Food Safety, Health and Quality – IFSS Policy

Food Safety for Consumer, Health for people, and Quality in our products and services, are fundamental values for IFSS. The Managing Director, has the overall responsibility for FSHQ at Group level. The General Manager has the corresponding responsibility for each country site, and all personnel are expected to contribute.

National regulations and laws represent each company's minimum requirements, and the IFSS FSHQ Management System outlines the supplementary requirements to assure continuous improvement in accordance with ISO9001 & HACCP. Comprehensive audit and inspection routines are in place to verify FSHQ performance in both the workplace and for our distributors and suppliers.

IFSS works to assure good technical standards, safe operations, quality products and services, through established systems, procedures and training. Personal Protective Equipment is always considered as the last option to protect against risks to safety and health.

IFSS Group FSHQ Vision

IFSS ensures safe working conditions for employees. IFSS is dedicated to fulfilling customer needs in terms of quality products, on time delivery and high standards of service.

Care is one of IFSS's most important values, and applies to all personnel in our everyday business. In IFSS, the statement "I Care" demonstrates our individual ownership and commitment to FSHQ.

Food safety
Allergenic foods are a serious safety risk. While harmless to most of the consumer population, they are harmful and even life threatening to some, causing serious medical reactions, such as anaphylactic shock, when foods with the allergenic protein are consumed. Scientific research and legislation have helped us understand a great deal about managing these food allergens in manufacturing. Yet so much more needs to be done in making these risks safer for the growing allergic population. In IFSS, we have been define what are the best practices for food manufacturers to include in managing food allergens as below:
Research and Development for Allergen Programs
Research and Development for Allergen Programs
Purchasing, Labeling and Storing Ingredients
Purchasing, Labeling and Storing Ingredients
Processing and Cleaning Cross-Contamination
Processing and Cleaning Cross-Contamination
Staff Training and Education
Staff Training and Education
International standards in IFSS Group ISO 9001/HACCP
International standards in IFSS Group ISO 9001/HACCP
Management systems in the IFSS Group are subject to a continuous improvement and to date we are proud to announce that a number of our companies are certificated in the following standards; Quality Management (ISO 9001), Food Safety Standard Management (HACCP).
IFSS Group Certificated Companies
IFSS Group Certificated Companies
Management systems in the IFSS Group are subject to a continuous improvement and to date we are proud to announce that a number of our companies are certificated in the following standards; Quality Management (ISO 9001), Food Safety Standard Management (HACCP).
Human Rights

IFSS is present in parts of the world where human rights and decent working conditions may be at risk, whether directly through our own operations or indirectly through the supply chain. IFSS is committed to developing an organizational culture that respects internationally recognized human rights and seeks to avoid human rights abuses.

IFSS makes an effort to run our business in a way that respects human rights and labor standards. Our commitment is based on:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural  UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO Convention) and the UN Global Compact principles.   

Our Human Rights policy applies to all IFSS companies regardless of the individual state's abilities and/or willingness to fulfil their own human rights obligations. IFSS expects that our personnel, business partners and others stakeholders who are directly linked to our operations, products or services, have equally respect for fundamental human rights.

Besides having a clear policy on compliance with human rights anchored at the Board of Directors, IFSS has processes to avoid that adverse human rights impact takes place.

Through IFSS's internal reporting system, each IFSS company reports twice per year to the local Board of Directors and the line management Business Review team, that mitigation and remediation processes are in place in case of adverse human rights impact. Besides all companies do a self-assessment yearly on human rights compliance.

IFSS has taken active steps to prevent adverse human rights impacts linked to our suppliers. Through our structured supplier audit system, suppliers are audited on a list of indicators, hereunder human rights compliance.

If adverse human rights impact should occur in a IFSS company, the incident will initially be dealt with along the business line. Any adverse impact may also be reported through IFSS's centrally administrated whistle blowing channel. Appropriate administrative or legal steps will be taken depending on the circumstances.

IFSS’s Human Rights commitment is reviewed by external expertise.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Doing the right thing and putting people first — all of our people — are two of our core values. As industry leaders, we are committed to a culture of inclusion. And we're working to accelerate the diversity of our global workforce, ensuring everyone has an equitable opportunity to succeed.
How do we work with these focus areas?
As a company we are aware that Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) needs systematic focus and strategic approach to ensure common understanding and practice across the global organization. D&I is therefore defined as a key strategic focus area across all the companies, geographies and cultures that make up IFSS.
Focus areas

In order to ensure that we have a concrete plan to work with, we have defined the following focus areas for D&I as part of company strategy 2020–2025:

  • Understanding organization and where we stand today
  • Identifying opportunities to focus our D&I efforts
  • Attracting and hiring diverse workforce
  • Developing leaders at every level from all backgrounds